4 wellness thoughts:

#1: First a metaphor.

Houses: Some owners are meticulous with maintenance while others are not. Some homes are new, some need a remodel. The cumulation of those homes is your neighborhood.

Good homes increase the value of the neighborhood and bad homes decrease the value.

Consider this when you get your next renewal. Do you know the condition of your neighborhood

#2: Let go of the all or nothing mentality. Little wins build momentum!

Companies: You don’t need to jump to an on-site physician. Start simple! Give employees an extra 10 minutes for lunch if they go on a walk. Or give employees an extra week of vacation if they don’t smoke. Put your money where your mouth is and you’ll see employees put their health where the wealth is.

Individuals: What is one small decision can you make today to be well?

#3: Data is valuable only in relation to the action it creates.

Data cannot make you healthier. It cannot reduce claims cost. Action can.

Action > Data.

#4: Is that breakroom flyer really going to improve employee wellness?

Of course not.

If you want big results you have to make a big investment.

Always stems from the top. No buy-in, no results.


Understanding Self-Insurance


Macro Thoughts #1